
Photo of Crystal Grimes. She is white with brown shoulder-length hair, wearing glasses and a bright pink shirt. She appears to be in a park or similar setting.
Per the ...
The word caution in red text.
Hello KLAS users, Please note that KLAS does not yet officially support Windows 11. While we have had users running successfully on version...
A pie chart showing number of years survey respondents have been KLASUsers. (31.3% Basically Forever, 26.6% 5-10 Years, 21.9% 2-5 Years, & 20.3% Less than 2)
From Sam Lundberg, President, KLAS Development Advisory Committee: It’s been a few months now since the KLAS User Experience Survey cir...
A large sign painted on a wall reading Welcome to the Tennessee School for the Blind, serving since 1844, with the initials tsb in fancy script in place of a logo. Hanging beneath that is a vinyl sign reading 2021-22 Best for All District.
Are you looking forward to the next in-person KLAS conference? Or would you prefer to keep things online? Either way, I have some hopeful news: pla...
Screen shot of KLAS UC 2023 Pre-Conference Survey description.
Rows of large-print textbooks, instructor books, & activity books sit on wood shelves at the Tennessee Instructional Resource Center.
Every Instructional Resource and Material Centers throughout the nation is trying to do the same thing, and that is to make sure that every student...
Katharina stands facing the camera. She has long brown hair and is wearing a green Dr. Seuss "Green Eggs & Ham" t-shirt.
In this week's blog post and latest in our "Stars of Keystone" series, we're excited to introduce the newest member of the Keystone Customer Suppor...
Join us at 3:30 PM ET / 12:30 PM PT August 25, 2022 for a KLAS LBPD Users' Roundtable discussing strategies for how to handle the cancellation of large print Talking Book Topics.
In collaboration with the KLAS Users' Group Program Committee, we're excited to announce the next two upcoming KLAS Users' Programs. In August, the...
A wooden gavel lays on top of a white keyboard.
An updated version of the KLAS User Group bylaws was presented to the KLAS Users' Group at the business meeting held on Wednesday, May 4, 2022. The...
George sits on a bench with his laptop on his lap and a tree in the background.
Our blog post this week is the latest in our "Stars of Keystone" series. This time we're highlighting our newest Keystone staff member, so let's we...
Headshots of Sam Lundberg and Crystal Grimes, KLAS Users' Group VP Candidates.
Per ...
A wooden gavel sits on a table with a laptop, notebook, and pen.
At the KLAS Users' Group Meeting held at 1:00 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, May 4 as part of the 2022 KLAS Users' Mini-Conference Michael Lang, KLA...
Promotional graphic with the same text as the article for easy saving or sharing.
As announced in an earlier Keynotes Blog Post, Keystone staff and the KLAS Users' Group Program Committee are teaming up to bring you an online KLA...
The scribe 2.0--a compact ReDesign of the scribe system.
Keystone Systems is pleased to announce an updated version of the Scribe, our duplication on demand appliance. The Scribe 2.0 merges the cu...
A key is inserted into an unlocked padlock.
Keystone is excited to announce that we've signed an agreement with the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) to allow ou...
Photo of a stack of magazines.
Did you attend our last webinar on ...
Save the Date! On 4/7/22 at 3 PM ET Katy will present a webinar focused on onboarding new KLAS Users.
The KLAS Users Program Committee and Keystone are excited to share details about our next two online training and networking opportunities. Please ...
Preview of the Select Headings screen, showing two Series headings selected, and new fields in for Ser Seq and Seq List in the Selected Heading details viewer.
With KLAS release 7.7.65 in the final stages of testing before going out to Early Release, let’s take a look at the series improvements we’ve b...
A photo of Brian and Aimée smiling together.
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”Ralph Waldo Emerson Late last year, I reached the age where I...
A scribe system, including the tower, mini, and scanner, sitting on a table in the Keystone offices.
From the desk of James Burts, CEO, Keystone Systems: ...
KLAS IRC Users' Roundtable! Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM Eastern Time / Noon Pacific. Bring your APH Census related questions, great ideas, and feedback to share with Keystone Staff and other IRC / IMC Klas users
Hello, KLASusers! Although we are in an off-year between full KLAS Users’ Conferences, we still want provide opportunities for you to keep up-to-...

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Keystone Systems, Inc.
8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612