
J2019 ASGCLA Awards Breakfast
At 8:30 AM on Saturday, June 22 the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Libraries held their annual Achievement Awards Breakfast ...
Hello, KLAS users! If you were able to join us for the 2019 KLAS Users’ Conference earlier this month, you heard a very exciting announcement fro...
New Feature: Merge Queries
This brand-new feature for KLAS version 7.7 was debuted at the uc2019 pre-conference as part of the hands-on Effective Search Strategies session....
Scenes from the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference
Last week the Palm Beach County Talking Books Service and the Friends of the Palm Beach County Library hosted the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference in We...
We've uploaded all presentations for the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference submitted to date to a ...
Note: These documents are subject to change prior to the conference and you must be logged-in to klasusers.com to access them. 20...
2019 Julie Klauber Award Recipient - Brenda Boyd
The Julie Klauber Award Committee and Keystone Systems are pleased to announce Brenda Boyd, Reader Advisor, South Carolina State Library Talking Bo...
Below are the menus for any meals provided during the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference. We have tried to accommodate specified food sensitivities / alle...
I have some great news, and I couldn’t wait until next Tuesday to post it! Our hard-working development team has gotten fixes in place, wrangled ...
Below is the presentation given at the NLS Western / Southern Regional Conference in San Antonio on May 8, 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format. ...
The Stars of Keystone's Staff - Kyle
Our "Stars of Keystone's Staff" series includes some basic info and insight into one of our staff members. We hope these posts will provide you a l...
The Stars of Keystone's Staff - Mark
Our "Stars of Keystone's Staff" series includes some basic info and insight into one of our staff members. We hope these posts will provide you a l...
Notes From The Scribe - April 2019
Here’s the latest Notes from The Scribe for April 2019. We are now Live on Version 7.7 and into a couple of upgrades. When we las...
There's an App For That
Hello, KLAS Users! This week, I am very pleased to introduce: the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference app! A lot of work was put into the app this ...
Below are the minutes taken during the KLAS Users' Group meeting held at the National Library Service 2018 Conference. ...
Carmencita Mitchell, 2019 KLAS Users' Conference Keynote Speaker
Carmencita Mitchell, 2019 KLAS Users' Conference Keynote Speaker Carmencita, originally from New York, has made Palm Beach County her hom...
Cards, Parking Lots, & Choosing my own adventure? What?!?
Just over a week or so ago we published an updated overview schedule and full agenda for the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference. Now that you've had a cha...
Below is the presentation given at the NLS Northern / Midlands Regional Conference in NYC on April 10. 2019 in PowerPoint and .PDF format. ...
It's over 90,000!
It's almost time... after years of entering only five digits for your book numbers, NLS is nearly ready to roll over to DB100000. Wow! ...
T -61 Days and Counting...
...until the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference! It's been a while since I shared a conference planning update, so I thought I'd use today's post to let y...
Update: 7.7 release timeline
We keep talking about all of the great new features in KLAS version 7.7 so... where is it? We wish this post was a release announcement, but unfort...

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Keystone Systems, Inc.
8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612