
I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend! As I’m settling back into my routine, I’d like to update you on the newly-reformed KDAC. The ...
Please pardon our dust.
Here at 8016 Glenwood Ave #200, there's change in the air. A couple of weeks ago we started a large building remodeling and update. By the ...
Hello, IRCs! We know you are very busy right now so I won’t keep you long. As you’re scrambling to get everything checked in and staged for nex...
The Stars of Keystone's Staff - Katy
Today we're starting the first in a series of Key Notes blog posts called "The Stars of Keystone Systems' Staff". Each will include some basic info...
Ah, Summer. Time for swimming, barbeque... and Summer Reading Programs! As Summer Reading Program season ramps into full gear, are you wish...
Keystone, KLAS, & Accessibility
Easy access to all features and functions within KLAS has been integral to all phases of the design process since the first version of KLAS, and co...
How are you training your new staff to use KLAS—and how can we help? We will continue to post Key Note blog posts and weekly tips, tricks...
ASCLA / KLAS / NOD Award Did you know that Keystone Systems has sponsored the ...
Below are the presentations and handouts our presenters and moderators have sent us to date from the 2018 KLAS Users' Conference. Please feel free ...
UC2018 Highlights
Whew! Are you all caught up from the Users’ Conference yet? For those of you who were at the conference, make sure to fill out our feedba...
In case you haven't heard...
The 2018 KLAS Users' Conference is next week. Yeah, you probably have, but we thought we'd mention it anyway. f you aren't able to attend, ...
FINAL UPDATE 4/30: 2018 KLAS Users' Conference Agenda & Daily Schedule
The 2018 KLAS Users' Conference finalized Agenda and Daily Schedule documents are now available for your planning convenience in MS Word and .pdf f...
You probably know that you can move and sort columns in basically any browse table in KLAS; however, did you know that it is also possible to add o...
Top 10 Things at KLAS UC 2018 Katy & Drea are Excited About
Did you know we've been posting new Key Notes blog posts for 10 weeks straight? In celebration of this and in anticipation of the upcoming 2018 KLA...
The Julie Klauber Award Committee and Keystone Systems are excited to announce Nancy Reese, Idaho Commission for Libraries, Talking Books Service, ...
For KLAS-to-KLAS patron transfers, a patron’s reading history (HasHads or HHs) automatically transfer with the rest of the record. Thanks to PIMM...
Welcome Reception Location & Speaker
We welcome all 2018 KLAS Users' Conference attendees to join us for the Welcome Reception hosted by Keystone Systems on Tuesday, May 8 from 5:30-8:...
Duplication on Demand: What works best for you?
Many KLAS libraries are already wrestling with (or soon will be) the challenges of reduced space to house their collections and / or less circulati...
Hey Instructional Resource Centers: Do you keep on top of your Temp Titles? WebOrder has the ability to create a Temp Title, allowing reque...
Tips for dealing with klasusers.com FOMO
From Merriam-Webster.com: Defini...
A couple weeks ago, we took a look at the WebOrder Help page, so this week I’m putting the WebOPAC Browse page in the spotlight. Anything...

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Keystone Systems, Inc.
8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612