
The release l...
Screenshot of the title slide from the KLAS New Features for LBPD sessions
Below are the recordings, presentations, and other resources shared in the library for the blind and print disabled track of the 2024 KLAS Users' M...
The following MARC records have had diacritic marks or other issues corrected. Please upload these files in place of the NLS version. For m...
A Zoom screenshot from the Issuing Magazines on Cartridge webinar show presenter Katy Patrick in the upper right corner and the KLAS Serials Module taking up the rest of the image.
On May 1, 2025 we got together and talked magazines on cartridge (MoC)!  We shared the current status and coming improvements, answered questi...
NLS is interested in tracking cartridge availability and use system-wide, and may be contacting you for some statistics. Duplication Cartr...
Screenshot of the title slide from the KLAS New Features for IRC sessions
Below are the recordings, presentations, and other resources shared in the instructional resource / materials center (IRC / IMC) track of the 2024 ...
Save the Date! Katy Patrick, Keystone's Technical Writer, is hosting a new webinar to discuss "Issuing Magazines on Cartridge (MoC): Serials Module Demo / Q&A" for LBPD KLASUsers at 3 PM ET / Noon PT Thursday, May 23.
On Thursday, May 23rd, we held our most recent webinar focused on using KLAS to issue magazines on...
Save the Date! e-Braille Circulation Webinar with Katy Patrick will be held at Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 3:30 PM ET / 12:30 PT.
During this session, Katy Patrick discussed features and functionality in KLAS, including machine management and duplication workflows, as well as ...
Scribe Error Troubleshooting
Scribe Errors and What to Do About Them Browse this list of potential Scribe Errors for more information about why they might occur and w...
A row of printing presses.
Both Gutenberg & Scribe ...
New to KLAS, stepping out of your comfort zone into a different module, or just wanting a review of the basics? Check out the Intro to KLAS...
Save the Date image for KLAS IRC Users' Q&A with Marion. 2/15/24.
This free, online session was held via Zoom on February 15 at 3 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific. Recording ...
Join us at 3 PM ET for a KLAS LBPD Users' Roundtable to explore how libraries for the blind and print disabled use volunteers and how KLAS can manage, support, and track their contributions to your library and patrons!
Volunteers makeup an important part of the Library for the Blind & Print Disabled (LBPD) / Talking Book Library community and contribute greatl...
The following MARC records have had diacritic marks or other issues corrected. Please upload these files in place of the NLS version. For m...
A librarian stands behind a desk, helping a group of happy patrons.
Do you make use of the Front Desk module? A recent update added the patron Contacts tab, replacing the address section of the Patron Data t...
After release of the ...
A finger presses a green keyboard button with white letters that say
Do you have questions about equipment or patron transfers in KLAS or just feel a little uncertain? Not sure how PIMMS factors into the equation, or...
New to KLAS, stepping out of your comfort zone into a different module, or just wanting a review of the basics? Check out the Intro to KLAS...
Below is the recording for our November 2023 KLAS Q&A with Katy webinar. ...
The title slide of the ppt, reading APH 2023: KLAS IRC/IMC Users' Group Meeting.
Below is the recording for our October 2023 KLAS Users' Meeting at the APH Annual Conference. Slide deck: ...
While the KLAS UI is fixed in size and shape, the font face, size, and boldness can be adjusted using an ini file. To use the example text file, re...
We're so happy that we got to see many of you in person again at this year's NLS Regional Conferences! The slide deck used in each of the r...
Title Slide of the Preparing for eBraille Webinar PowerPoint
Are you looking forward to circulating electronic braille for your patrons? Curious about braille Duplication but not sure where to start?...
The following MARC records have had diacritic marks or other issues corrected. Please upload these files in place of the NLS version. For m...
New to 7.7? View all new features, improvements, and bug fixes with fewer downloads in the combined release lists. If you only need the release lis...
A screenshot of the recording showing the title page of the slide deck, with thumbnails of James and Katy attending remotely, and Drea and Marion at the conference location.
Below is the recording for our October 2022 KLAS Users' Meeting at the APH Annual Conference. Slide deck: ...
A screenshot of the prototype homepage as described in the webinar. There is a KLAS logo in the top left, a navigation bar along the top of the screen, and the title "Keystone Systems Online Test Library." The sections displayed are "What's New at the Library", and the Site Map with sections "Order Books," "Browse books based on your preferences," and "Review your account."
Below is the recording from our September 22, 2022 Keystone-presented webinar on the WebOPAC Revamp. Description: You...
The Rating Unrated Books (RUB) project allows volunteers across the NLS network of libraries to share content information about previously unrated ...
A screenshot from the roundtable recording showing Florida's WebOPAC Talking Book Topics filter applied.
Below is the recording from our August 25, 2022 KLAS LBPD Users' Roundtable on Talking Book Topics. Description: With...
Screen shot of the title slide and speakers from the KLAS New Features for LBPD Zoom recording.
The PowerPoint presentations and recordings of the 2022 Online KLAS Users' Mini-Conference sessions held on Tuesday, May 3 and Wednesday, May 4 are...

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8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612