
How-To header for Patron
The Batch Patron Status Review (BPSR) tool was created to help users manage outdated patron records and comply with NLS and local records lifecycle...
How-To header for Patron
To ensure accurate tracking and reporting, users should never share accounts or give their account to a successor. Instead, new users should ...
How-To header for Patron
KLAS can generate customized Overdue notices for select Patron Types and Media, prompting patrons to return overdue items and report lost ones....
A finger presses a green keyboard button with white letters that say
Do you have questions about equipment or patron transfers in KLAS or just feel a little uncertain? Not sure how PIMMS factors into the equation, or...
New to KLAS, stepping out of your comfort zone into a different module, or just wanting a review of the basics? Check out the Intro to KLAS...
New to KLAS, stepping out of your comfort zone into a different module, or just wanting a review of the basics? Check out the Intro to KLAS...

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Keystone Systems, Inc.
8016 Glenwood Ave., Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27612