The Stars of Keystone's Staff - James
Our "Stars of Keystone's Staff" series includes some basic info and insight into one of our staff members. We hope these posts will provide you a l...
The Stars of Keystone's Staff - Tracey
This week we wanted to give you the opportunity to learn more about the woman who's usually the first voice you hear when you call our office, know...
Quick Review of 7.7 Updates
Have you been keeping up with the 7.7 Release Lists? Our release schedule for v7.7 uses the Agile methodology to push out smaller but much ...
Guiding Us Forward
Our developers have been very busy lately, implementing Gutenberg, ironing out eCommerce, and gearing up to start converting IRC /...
Did you attend last year's KLAS Users' Conference? If so, please help us dream a little about the future while also sharing your experience from th...
Keystone is offering a two-day in-depth training, round-table, and user feedback opportunity for KLAS Instructional Resource Center / Instructional...
Diverse group of people meeting
Staff of Instructional Resource / Materials Centers using KLAS met on Thursday, October 10 at the American Printing House for the Blind's annual me...
Working Remotely - Tips & Tricks part II
Whether you’re chomping at the bit or dragging your feet, sooner or later Duplication on Demand service will be coming to all NLS network librari...
Keystone at APH 2019 Annual Meeting
Next week, members of the Keystone Staff will attend the 2019 American Printing House for the Blind Annual Meeting. In support of our Instructional...
Information Round-up
We’ve got some new information up for you this week! Let’s have a look... 1. Release Lists As the v7.7 rollout contin...
Interested in moving to a Duplication on Demand service model, but not sure how you’ll get enough cartridges and other supplies? There’s help a...
Cartridge Recycling Video & DoD Webinar
As more Talking Book libraries are considering which Duplication on Demand equipment and workflow to implement, we're working to help you make an i...
Upcoming IRC / IMC Opportunities
We're dedicated to supporting each type of organization that uses KLAS. Here are a few examples of our ongoing efforts to connect with and serve ou...
Thank You!
As we’re getting close to a number of positions on our KLAS Users’ Group committees and Board of Officers, I wanted to take some time to say, ...
This is the final draft of the proposed bylaws changes for the KLAS Users' Group. Changes were made to allow for a smoother officer transition for ...
Connecting with KLASusers
Prior to the 2019 KLAS Users' Conference, Katy and I received a request to present about the different ways we send out communications and what pla...
An updated version of the KLAS User Group bylaws was presented to the KLAS Users' Group on at the annual business meeting on June 6, 2019. The memb...
July Update: 7.7 Rollout
About a month and a half ago, we began offering Version 7.7 preview databases to Keystone-hosted and Linux-based self-hosted LBPH customers. Since ...
J2019 ASGCLA Awards Breakfast
At 8:30 AM on Saturday, June 22 the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Libraries held their annual Achievement Awards Breakfast ...
Hello, KLAS users! If you were able to join us for the 2019 KLAS Users’ Conference earlier this month, you heard a very exciting announcement fro...
New Feature: Merge Queries
This brand-new feature for KLAS version 7.7 was debuted at the uc2019 pre-conference as part of the hands-on Effective Search Strategies session....