Per your KLAS Users' Group Bylaws, KLAS Users' Group Officer transitions occurred on August 1, 2024. Now, your 2024-2025 Officers' and Committee Chairs want to have a chance to introduce themselves to you and answer your questions.
Are you interested in what being an officer entails / what role do they play in the users' group, and / or how your program, logistics or development advisory committee operates? This session was an opportunity for KLASUsers' to get answers to these these questions and more!
KLAS Users' Group Officers:
- Traci Timmons, Immediate Past President
- Maureen Dorosinski, President
- Josh Easter, Vice President
- Sara Zapatocky, Secretary
KLAS Users' Group Committee Chairs:
- Jesse McGarity, Program & KLAS Development Advisory Committee (KDAC)
- Maureen Dorosinski, Logistics