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MARC Record Corrections - 2024

5 months 6 days ago #1671 by patrick20k
The following MARC records have had diacritic marks or other...

The following MARC records have had diacritic marks or other issues corrected. Please upload these files in place of the NLS version.

For more information on uploading MARC Records, see Are Your Records Up-To-Date? on the forums.

Note: You must be logged in to view and download these files.

Latest Updates

The June Files and a BARD Re-load file were uploaded 7/3/2024. 

The May/June TBT Query Set was uploaded on 5/16/2024. 

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5 months 2 days ago #1672 by maureen
HUGE thanks and tons of love going KLAS' way for the additions of the query sets. It makes processing the work so much easier and straightforward.

have a wonderful rest of the day!

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