
Readership & Circulation Report

2 years 5 months ago #1303 by patrick20k
It's that time of year again! Don't forget to schedule your Readership & Circulation Report to run after hours on Sept 30 or before starting work on Oct 1!

Instructions for scheduling the report are attached, or you are welcome to contact Customer Support if you need assistance.

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File Name: QuickTip-R...-27.docx
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2 years 4 months ago #1304 by SamLundberg
This is perhaps a silly question, but given that the R&C report allows you to specify beginning and end dates, why is it so vital that the report be run before any work is done on the 1st?

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2 years 4 months ago #1305 by patrick20k
Even though the report has start and end dates, some of the things the report looks at don't have a static history; KLAS can only check what they are at the time of the report.

For example, the Active Individual Readers count uses the Status Start date, so changes to someone's status will exclude them from the count even if they were active up until Oct 1, because KLAS can't check what their status was yesterday, and the start date would be "today."

The collection numbers at the end of the report are also a snapshot, and KLAS does not have a daily history of those numbers to refer back to. Making sure the report runs at the end of the reporting period ensures that the snapshot is accurate.

It's possible, or even likely, that these numbers won't change much immediately when you start work on the 1st... but since the report can be scheduled, you may as well get the most accurate and consistent data possible!

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