
We planned to offer our next KLAS New Features webinar on Thursday, August 19, but after learning NLS will be offering "Training for finding Marrakesh Treaty materials on BARD" that afternoon we chose to postpone rather than conflict. Then, we moved it to Thursday, August 26 only to learn of another NLS training as well as APH's EOT meeting to be held that afternoon. After consulting with the KLAS Users' Group Officers and Program Committee, we chose to reschedule a second time based on their feedback.

Therefore, the next KLAS New Features webinar will now be held at 3 PM EDT / Noon PDT on TUESDAY, August 24.

We were so excited with the attendance at the 2021 KLAS Users' Conference last month and wanted to make sure as many of y'all as possible join us for our upcoming live webinar, so here ya go! Below is all the relevant info. We hope you'll be able to join us!

SAVE THE DATE for our next KLAS New Features webinar!

Who: Any and Every KLAS User! We'll be covering the latest new features and functionality for our IRC, LBPD, and others. 

What: KLAS New Features Webinar

When: 3 PM Eastern / Noon Pacific Tuesday, August 24

Where: Keystone's Google Meet

Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/yhp-whfr-tyf
Dial-in for audio: +1 662-547-1247‬ PIN: ‪316 831 303‬#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/yhp-whfr-tyf?pin=2972669584815

If you have any questions you'd like us to answer, or other input please feel free to comment on this article, post on the discussion forums, or send us an email. To receive a calendar invite, please send an email to  Drea () with your request. This webinar will be recorded and posted to klasusers.com for later review. 


RESCHEDULED (again)! On Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 3 PM ET / Noon PT Katy will host our next KLAS New Features webinar.


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patrick20k's Avatar
patrick20k replied the topic: #1088 3 years 6 months ago
Scratch that. We were willing to regretfully continue with one scheduling conflict, but once we were informed of a second, we brought the matter back to the Users' Group Programming committee. Having discussed it, we are now trying one more time for a date that won't have national-level conflicts. We apologize for all the inconvenience and confusion, but we believe that this will be our best option. Thank you very much to everyone who reported a conflict and/or worked with us on selecting the new date. 

Original comment:
After discussion, we've decided not to risk confusion with another date or time change of this webinar. However, I will be sure to cover general and IRC-specific issues in the first half, so those who need to leave early to switch over to the APH EOT meeting can do so.
As always, the full meeting will be recorded and posted for review later. I'm very sorry we missed this meeting when we were rescheduling, and I have the EOT meeting schedule on my calendar now so we can be sure to dodge them in the future.
patrick20k's Avatar
patrick20k replied the topic: #1087 3 years 6 months ago
We certainly do our best to avoid conflicts with NLS and APH. Webinars and other events are scheduled in conjunction with our Users' Group committees, so we're able to rely on their calendars as well.
Unfortunately, in this case NLS has just now publicized their training, and in moving ours to avoid it, it sounds like we missed hearing about an APH meeting. Would you mind emailing me with the time of the APH conflict? I'll get in touch with the others involved here and see if we can scoot out of the way of this one too.
If we could get NLS and APH to use it, I'd sure appreciate a group calendar myself!
kate kosior's Avatar
kate kosior replied the topic: #1086 3 years 6 months ago
Also, I know you guys kindly record the meetings for later viewings, but it's nice to be able to ask questions live and get immediate responses :)
kate kosior's Avatar
kate kosior replied the topic: #1085 3 years 6 months ago
I don't know how to get all the different agencies to communicate about the meeting dates, but it's something that needs to happen. KLAS and APH just announced meetings on the same day at the same time, and NLS and KLAS were in conflict before that.
I find many times everything is scheduled for the 'fourth Tuesday' or 'second Monday', but everyone seems to be picking the same day.
As the manager of our library, I need to be at all these meetings, but I cannot be on two Zooms at the same time :(
Just wanted to suggest maybe a communal calendar of nation-wide meetings so we can try to avoid conflicts.

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