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2014 Session Descriptions
10 years 11 months ago - 10 years 10 months ago #21
by tkalber
2014 Session Descriptions was created by tkalber
The sessions that we need to recruit speakers for have the word speaker or moderator in red. Now we need to find conference attendees to fill these roles.
General Sessions
Ignite Talks - presenters will give info on what they are talking about for the description - Kim
1. Kim Charleson - Libraries Without Walls
2. Brian Charleson & Patrice Johnson - E book Reader
3. Brian Charleson & Patrice Johnson - E book Reader
4. InfoEyes - LInda Rossman, Perkins
5.Amy Ravenholt, WA - Tablets in shipping
6. Wiki - James Gleason, Perkins??
Are We There Yet?: End of Digital Transition & Its Impact
Presenter: Craig Hayward, NC; Pat Herndon, GA; and John Mugford, NM
Welcome to the new frontier where adventures and possibilities await! But let’s reflect for a moment. Yes, we have conducted the first ever DB Recall, migrated to digital magazines and launched a mobile app. But have we actually arrived? Join our fearless tour guides as they assess our progress and predict what lies ahead for our libraries.
Book Bundling: Maximum Circulation with Minimum Hassle
Presenter: Mitake Burts & John Carpenter, Keystone
The function you've been asking for - how to make more effective use of local cartridge capacity and fully track circulation and has hads.
Maintaining Cataloging Control
Presenter: Sharon Russwinkle, IL; Robert Freitas, CA; and Kimberly Tomlinson, WI
A messy catalog is like a messy closet, it’s there right in front of you, but you can’t find a thing. Don’t be caught in the clutter, the advice you’ll get in this panel discussion will help you maintain your catalog and keep the records up to date.
Let them eat cake!: Duplication on Demand - Teresa
Presenter: Nancy Reese, ID; Teresa Kalber, CO
Discussion on how to best provide your patrons with the books they want, when they want them by using the Duplication on Demand module in KLAS.
Birds of a Feather
KLAS Administrators
Moderator: James Gleason, President, KLAS Users' Group
Put Your Staff on the Right Track - Patrice
Moderator: Hope Williams, NV; Debra Martin, FL; & James Gleason, MA
The term “staff training” has become synonymous with torture, boredom and flat-out terror, this shouldn’t be the case! This discussion will explore creative ways, such as “peer training”, to make learning something new a fun and productive experience for staff. Come prepared to share your own experiences and learn from the practices of others as well as collaborate on new techniques.
RA Hackerspace
Moderators: Fay Hutchings, Illinois; Dianne Keadle, SC; & Nancy Garcia, Chicago
Let's get collaborating! This session is an opportunity to interact with other staff that provide readers’ advisory service. Participants are invited to share practice tips as well as learn from others' experiences and insights. From providing BARD app assistance, to navigating new genres and managing digital magazine service, bring your favorite tools of the trade and leave with some new ones.
New Tasks for Old Staff - Erin
Moderator: Ron Bryant, AZ
This breakout session gives you the opportunity to meet with your colleagues and discuss the evolution of your staffing needs. Circulation is changing in the wake of XESS and cartridge recall. The new mobile app means that more and more patrons need training on their new BARD service. Duplication on demand and digital magazines will only increase in popularity. Make sure your staff is ready to face the future.
Perkins' AT Petting Zoo
Moderators:Joe Martini, Director, Assistive Technology
Joann Becker, Technical Support Specialist
Join this informal session to browse some of the latest AT devices available through Perkins Products. Perkins staff will be available to demonstrate products and answer questions.
Hands-on Training
The Hand is Quicker Than the Mouse
Presenters: John Carpenter & Mitake Burts, Keystone
Shannon Curry, WTBBL
Challenge yourself to complete routine tasks in KLAS more quickly by taking a break from clicking and learning keyboard shortcuts.
Scavenger Hunt
Presenter: James Burts, John Carpenter & Marion Campbell, Keystone
How well do you know KLAS? Various scenarios will challenge session participants to undertake multiple tasks in KLAS. Keystone staff will be available to answer questions. In additional to the individual competition this year, participants will also have the option to compete with a team. One team and one individual will receive recognition for completing the most questions correctly, in the fastest time.
RA Search Skills
Presenter: Patrice Johnson & IL; Christine Koontz, IL & John Carpenter, Keystone
Find the right book for the patron who has read everything. In this session you will learn search strategies using KLAS 'book search" to help you refine your search for the perfect book
WebOPAC: The Kaleidoscope of User Experience (2 sessions)
Presenter: Mitake Burts & Marion Campbell, Keystone
James Gleason, MA
Participants will experience the variety of ways patrons see and use the WebOPAC by having computers set-up to use screen readers, screen magnifiers or other accessibility features.
Administrator Review
Presenter: Nancy Underwood & John Carpenter, Keystone
In the hectic everyday world, it is very possible to forget what you learned in the 2-day KLAS Administrators Training class. This session will remind administrators of useful options and controls in KLAS that govern how the system behaves. Attendees will be asked to submit questions or topics they'd like to review prior to the start of the conference. Limited to individuals who are a KLAS Administrator.
New Features
Presenter: Nancy Underwood, Keystone
Follows the general session to provide more in-depth discussion and demonstration of new features released in KLAS this year.
Queries: The KLAS Mind Meld
Presenter: Nancy Underwood & John Carpenter, Keystone & Sharon Russwinkle, Illinois
Ever needed to whip up interesting statistical information to share with government representatives or library board meetings? Query is a powerful discovery tool designed for all levels of staff to produced quality information to aid in a variety of reports, jobs and service assessments. In this session participants will learn methods to optimize query searches including how to target specific patrons for special mailings or phone surveys.
Electronic Patron Transfer: It's a Snap!
Presenters: Nancy Underwood & Marion Campbell, Keystone
What should you look for and what steps to take to ensure a successful patron transfer using the electronic transfer feature in KLAS.
Holdings Management - Tips & Tricks
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone
You asked and we’re answering. Tips and tricks on how to cull the database to what you have in your physical collection and identify what you need more of.
Notices: Making Them Work for You
Presenter: John Carpenter & Nancy Underwood, Keystone & Nancy Reese, ID
Do patrons procrastinate or do they return books promptly when they get an overdue notice from your library? Learn how other libraries get results, as participants in this panel discussion share their tips for using the KLAS notice manager.
Statistically Speaking - Teresa
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone & Amy Ravenholt, WA
The 1,2,3s of counting your patrons and circ/usage, including a discussion of the NLS report vs queries.
KLAS & Mobile Devices: Oh, the places it'll go!
Presenter: James Burts & Marion Campbell, Keystone
Shrinking the footprint of KLAS. What can we do now and where are we going next?
Myths & Reality of Reporting - Teresa
Presenter: John Caprenter & Mitake Burts, Keystone &
Kimberly Tomlinson, WI
With over seven-dozen predefined reports there are many options, but how do you find the one that is right for you? Learn how can you take what KLAS gives you and tailor it to your needs.
The BARD App: Nuts & Bolts
Co-Presenters: Teresa Kalber, Colorado & Craig Hayward, NC
Step-by-step walkthrough of the BARD Mobile App including common problems and solutions.
Taking Stock: Tracking & Managing Your Equipment
Presenter: Marion Campbell & Nancy Underwood, Keystone
You know exactly what you need to report and track according to NLS guidelines for equipment inventory records. You also know that KLAS has a bevy of machine equipment reports to run and tools to employ. So, why are you still struggling? Come discover proven techniques for using the KLAS database to conduct your monthly reports as well as complete related tasks such as equipment retrieval letters with greater ease.
General Sessions
Ignite Talks - presenters will give info on what they are talking about for the description - Kim
1. Kim Charleson - Libraries Without Walls
2. Brian Charleson & Patrice Johnson - E book Reader
3. Brian Charleson & Patrice Johnson - E book Reader
4. InfoEyes - LInda Rossman, Perkins
5.Amy Ravenholt, WA - Tablets in shipping
6. Wiki - James Gleason, Perkins??
Are We There Yet?: End of Digital Transition & Its Impact
Presenter: Craig Hayward, NC; Pat Herndon, GA; and John Mugford, NM
Welcome to the new frontier where adventures and possibilities await! But let’s reflect for a moment. Yes, we have conducted the first ever DB Recall, migrated to digital magazines and launched a mobile app. But have we actually arrived? Join our fearless tour guides as they assess our progress and predict what lies ahead for our libraries.
Book Bundling: Maximum Circulation with Minimum Hassle
Presenter: Mitake Burts & John Carpenter, Keystone
The function you've been asking for - how to make more effective use of local cartridge capacity and fully track circulation and has hads.
Maintaining Cataloging Control
Presenter: Sharon Russwinkle, IL; Robert Freitas, CA; and Kimberly Tomlinson, WI
A messy catalog is like a messy closet, it’s there right in front of you, but you can’t find a thing. Don’t be caught in the clutter, the advice you’ll get in this panel discussion will help you maintain your catalog and keep the records up to date.
Let them eat cake!: Duplication on Demand - Teresa
Presenter: Nancy Reese, ID; Teresa Kalber, CO
Discussion on how to best provide your patrons with the books they want, when they want them by using the Duplication on Demand module in KLAS.
Birds of a Feather
KLAS Administrators
Moderator: James Gleason, President, KLAS Users' Group
Put Your Staff on the Right Track - Patrice
Moderator: Hope Williams, NV; Debra Martin, FL; & James Gleason, MA
The term “staff training” has become synonymous with torture, boredom and flat-out terror, this shouldn’t be the case! This discussion will explore creative ways, such as “peer training”, to make learning something new a fun and productive experience for staff. Come prepared to share your own experiences and learn from the practices of others as well as collaborate on new techniques.
RA Hackerspace
Moderators: Fay Hutchings, Illinois; Dianne Keadle, SC; & Nancy Garcia, Chicago
Let's get collaborating! This session is an opportunity to interact with other staff that provide readers’ advisory service. Participants are invited to share practice tips as well as learn from others' experiences and insights. From providing BARD app assistance, to navigating new genres and managing digital magazine service, bring your favorite tools of the trade and leave with some new ones.
New Tasks for Old Staff - Erin
Moderator: Ron Bryant, AZ
This breakout session gives you the opportunity to meet with your colleagues and discuss the evolution of your staffing needs. Circulation is changing in the wake of XESS and cartridge recall. The new mobile app means that more and more patrons need training on their new BARD service. Duplication on demand and digital magazines will only increase in popularity. Make sure your staff is ready to face the future.
Perkins' AT Petting Zoo
Moderators:Joe Martini, Director, Assistive Technology
Joann Becker, Technical Support Specialist
Join this informal session to browse some of the latest AT devices available through Perkins Products. Perkins staff will be available to demonstrate products and answer questions.
Hands-on Training
The Hand is Quicker Than the Mouse
Presenters: John Carpenter & Mitake Burts, Keystone
Shannon Curry, WTBBL
Challenge yourself to complete routine tasks in KLAS more quickly by taking a break from clicking and learning keyboard shortcuts.
Scavenger Hunt
Presenter: James Burts, John Carpenter & Marion Campbell, Keystone
How well do you know KLAS? Various scenarios will challenge session participants to undertake multiple tasks in KLAS. Keystone staff will be available to answer questions. In additional to the individual competition this year, participants will also have the option to compete with a team. One team and one individual will receive recognition for completing the most questions correctly, in the fastest time.
RA Search Skills
Presenter: Patrice Johnson & IL; Christine Koontz, IL & John Carpenter, Keystone
Find the right book for the patron who has read everything. In this session you will learn search strategies using KLAS 'book search" to help you refine your search for the perfect book
WebOPAC: The Kaleidoscope of User Experience (2 sessions)
Presenter: Mitake Burts & Marion Campbell, Keystone
James Gleason, MA
Participants will experience the variety of ways patrons see and use the WebOPAC by having computers set-up to use screen readers, screen magnifiers or other accessibility features.
Administrator Review
Presenter: Nancy Underwood & John Carpenter, Keystone
In the hectic everyday world, it is very possible to forget what you learned in the 2-day KLAS Administrators Training class. This session will remind administrators of useful options and controls in KLAS that govern how the system behaves. Attendees will be asked to submit questions or topics they'd like to review prior to the start of the conference. Limited to individuals who are a KLAS Administrator.
New Features
Presenter: Nancy Underwood, Keystone
Follows the general session to provide more in-depth discussion and demonstration of new features released in KLAS this year.
Queries: The KLAS Mind Meld
Presenter: Nancy Underwood & John Carpenter, Keystone & Sharon Russwinkle, Illinois
Ever needed to whip up interesting statistical information to share with government representatives or library board meetings? Query is a powerful discovery tool designed for all levels of staff to produced quality information to aid in a variety of reports, jobs and service assessments. In this session participants will learn methods to optimize query searches including how to target specific patrons for special mailings or phone surveys.
Electronic Patron Transfer: It's a Snap!
Presenters: Nancy Underwood & Marion Campbell, Keystone
What should you look for and what steps to take to ensure a successful patron transfer using the electronic transfer feature in KLAS.
Holdings Management - Tips & Tricks
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone
You asked and we’re answering. Tips and tricks on how to cull the database to what you have in your physical collection and identify what you need more of.
Notices: Making Them Work for You
Presenter: John Carpenter & Nancy Underwood, Keystone & Nancy Reese, ID
Do patrons procrastinate or do they return books promptly when they get an overdue notice from your library? Learn how other libraries get results, as participants in this panel discussion share their tips for using the KLAS notice manager.
Statistically Speaking - Teresa
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone & Amy Ravenholt, WA
The 1,2,3s of counting your patrons and circ/usage, including a discussion of the NLS report vs queries.
KLAS & Mobile Devices: Oh, the places it'll go!
Presenter: James Burts & Marion Campbell, Keystone
Shrinking the footprint of KLAS. What can we do now and where are we going next?
Myths & Reality of Reporting - Teresa
Presenter: John Caprenter & Mitake Burts, Keystone &
Kimberly Tomlinson, WI
With over seven-dozen predefined reports there are many options, but how do you find the one that is right for you? Learn how can you take what KLAS gives you and tailor it to your needs.
The BARD App: Nuts & Bolts
Co-Presenters: Teresa Kalber, Colorado & Craig Hayward, NC
Step-by-step walkthrough of the BARD Mobile App including common problems and solutions.
Taking Stock: Tracking & Managing Your Equipment
Presenter: Marion Campbell & Nancy Underwood, Keystone
You know exactly what you need to report and track according to NLS guidelines for equipment inventory records. You also know that KLAS has a bevy of machine equipment reports to run and tools to employ. So, why are you still struggling? Come discover proven techniques for using the KLAS database to conduct your monthly reports as well as complete related tasks such as equipment retrieval letters with greater ease.
Last edit: 10 years 10 months ago by tkalber.
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