
2015 Session Descriptions

10 years 3 months ago - 9 years 11 months ago #93 by tkalber
General Sessions
Roll Call / Ice Breaker
Presenter – Erin Byrne, Oklahoma Library

KDAC – Teresa
Presenter: tbd
Update on the progress of the KDAC committee over the past year.

"What can klasusers.com do for me?" – Drea
Presenter: Andrea Ewing Callicut, Keystone Systems
Did you know that recorded tutorials, discussion forums, training opportunities, and more are available on klasusers.com! This session will show you how to navigate some of resources available on the website dedicated to you, the users of KLAS! Also, this will be your opportunity to make suggestions about what you want to see here!

PIMMS – the Bells and Whistles – Teresa
Presenter: John Carpenter, Keystone Systems
Learn about NLS' new Patron Information Machine Maintenance System (PIMMS) and how KLAS interfaces with it. (Bonus points if you knew that’s what PIMMS meant).

KLAS Off the Beaten Track - KLAS Mobile – Amy
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone Systems
Discover how you can use KLAS away from a standard workstation: on laptop, tablet and smartphone; inside your library and at remote sites.

Accessible Instructions for the AIM Center – Erin
Presenter: Pepper Watson, AIM Center
Have you ever wondered how instructional resource centers use KLAS to get books and equipment to the visually impaired children who need them? In this program staffers from the Accessible Instructional Materials Center at the Oklahoma library will introduce you to the materials and services they provide.

Just the Ticket! Patron Centric Duplication on Demand – Teresa
Presenter: John Carpenter, Keystone Systems
Learn about features in KLAS that allow libraries to create personalized cartridges for their patrons. Use this mini “nightly” type program to give better service to those hard-to-serve or high demand patrons.

Ignite Talks – Kate (need 2)
Presenters: Teresa Kalber, Colorado Talking Book Library
Fast-paced, fun and engaging speed round idea showcase sessions! Ignite Talk sessions will feature speakers, each giving a brief 10 minute presentation. Speakers will share the highlights of an awesome project, annoying issue solved, great programming idea, stunning tip, radical concept, a new technique discovery, etc. Prepare to be dazzled, amazed and inspired.

Sidings: KLAS Unconference – Drea
Moderators / Discussion Leaders listed next to topic:
The rules are that there are no rules or slides or handouts or pre-planned agendas! Rather, we invite you to join a table dedicated to a topic of your interest where you will find some index cards, pens, colleagues, and possibly a Keystone staff member or two. Wander from table to table to discuss different topics or stay put and go in-depth with one in particular. It's your choice! Planned table topics include:
  • What Not to Do (KLAS Derailed) - Elke Bruton, Oregon Talking Book & Braille Library
  • Shelving - Amy Ravenholt, Washington Braille and Talking Book Library
  • In-house vs Keystone Hosted Servers - James Burts, Keystone Systems
  • KLAS Conference Planning - Andrea Ewing Callicutt, Keystone Systems
  • Book Clubs - Craig Hayward, North Carolina LBPH

KLAS Administrations
Moderator: James Gleason, President, KLAS Users' Group

Reader Advisors – Shari
Moderator: Dianne Keadle, South Carolina LBPH
This session is an opportunity to interact with other staff that provides readers' advisory service. Participants are invited to share practical tips as well as learn from others' experiences and insights – from providing BARD app assistance, to navigating new genres and managing digital magazine services.

Equipment – Kate
Moderator: Kate Stiles, Illinois Machine Sublending Agency
How do you track your machines in KLAS? Don't have tunnel vision when it comes to using KLAS to manage your machines. Let's discuss all of the bells and whistles that KLAS offers us and learn from each other!

Outreach– Sally
Moderator: Amy Ravenholt, Washington Talking Book and Braille Library
Andrea Ewing Callicutt, Keystone Systems
Outreach may seem nebulous even to those doing it, but it is more than just stats of new patron sign-ups directly related to an event. Outstanding Outreach means building a network around the library through various tools including: partnerships with other libraries and organizations, speaking opportunities, social media, community awareness, and more. Bring your examples / ideas / questions about outreach efforts which will produce both immediate and / or future results. We also welcome examples of "lessons learned".

Circulation – Amy
Moderators: Ron Heaton, Perkins Library
Ron Bryant, Arizona Talking Book Library
If you use the Circulation module, this session is for you! Come with your questions and your best practices for everything from turnaround to mailing cards to DB recall.

Tell me something I don’t know (about KLAS) – Mitake
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone Systems
Keystone staff will present information about lesser used features of KLAS. Class participants will be asked to rate the presentations based on Utility, Novelty, and Fun.

New Features in KLAS
Presenter: Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
In depth discussion and demonstration of features released in KLAS this year.

Reader Advisor Challenges – Erin
Presenter: Kathryn Patrick, Illinois Talking Book Outreach Center
Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
Every patron has different needs; some are easily addressed, others seem impossible. In this workshop we will tackle some difficult situations and show you how KLAS can vanquish (most of) your problems.

Staying on Track with BARD Statistics – Teresa
Presenter: Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
Don’t get derailed during your monthly BARD load. Attend this workshop to see hands-on demonstrations of completing the load and fixing those pesky errors that prevent your statistics from loading correctly.

Administrator Training Review *
Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
In the hectic everyday world, it is very possible to forget what you learned in the 2-day KLAS Administrators Training class. This session will remind administrators of useful options and controls in KLAS that govern how the system behaves. Attendees will be asked to submit questions or topics they'd like to review prior to the start of the conference.
*Limited to individuals who are a KLAS Administraton

Hands-on Training
Processing Applications / Dealing with Walk-ins – Shari
Presenter: Sammie Willis, Oklahoma LBPH
John Carpenter, Keystone Systems
Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
Dataentriologists unite! Helpful pointers for entering new patrons in KLAS as well as suggestions for the best/most productive ways to serve walk-in patrons.

KLAS 102 – Shari
Presenter: John Carpenter, Keystone Systems (2 sessions)
Go where no KLAS user has gone before. What is beyond the KLAS101 basics? Explore the fringes of the KLAS universe.

Autopilot: Using Batch Manager Run Your Reports– Amy
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone Systems
John Carpenter, Keystone Systems
Have you ever slowed KLAS to a crawl by running a big report? Or forgot to run your NLS stats or your Holding Summary at the end of the year? When you use Batch Manager to schedule reports ahead of time, or to run them in the background, you can keep your RAs AND administrators happy. Come find out how.

Reader's Advisory Scavenger Hunt – Erin
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone Systems
John Carpenter, Keystone Systems
Are you ready to test your mettle against the quickest, sharpest readers advisors in the land? You bet you are! Throw your hat into the ring for this search skills showdown.

Getting back on track: Processing Overdue & Mismatched Books – Amy
Panel Discussion: Amy Ravenholt, Washington Talking Book and Braille Book Library
Sharon Russwinkle, Illinois State Library
When book cartridges come back in the wrong box, learn how you can use KLAS to catch the missing parts, and get complete books out in circulation again. Plus, discuss options for overdue notices to retrieve sidetracked books.

Getting more folks on board: partnering with other agencies – Teresa
Presenter: Pat Herndon, Georgia Library
The NLS program in Georgia has been in the midst of change. To meet current customer needs GLASS has worked to build and strengthen relations with public libraries and other agencies. We have tried to think outside the box to make access to services easier for all Georgians. General content will include: Outreach grants to public libraries; GLASS/PINES partnership; and Georgia Accessibility Conference.

WebOPAC Customizations – Erin
Presenter: Mitake Burts, Keystone Systems (2 sessions)
Have you set up your new Web OPAC yet? Well, it's time to get on that. Come with us as we walk you through the OPAC questionnaire, answering your questions and helping you to get the perfect catalog for your library.

End of the Line: Xess & Purging – Shari
Presenter: Nancy Underwood, Keystone Systems
Craig Hayward, North Carolina LBPH
Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more! How do you handle the end of the RC's? KLAS staff will teach you the best ways to clean up your database.

Getting your staff All Aboard! and Ready to Roll! – Kate & Drea
Panel Discussion: Ashley Barrineau, Virginia Beach Public Library
Elke Bruton, Oregon Talking Book & Braille Library
Toni Harrell, Kansas Regional Library??
What resources and programs are there to train and motivate your staff? We will explore opportunities offered by Keystone, NLS, ALA, and other sources. Be prepared to share your successes as well as times when your efforts might have been derailed. This seminar provides an opportunity to learn from others and take the fast-track to success in training and motivating staff.
Last edit: 9 years 11 months ago by tkalber.

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10 years 3 months ago #94 by Brannons
Replied by Brannons on topic Ordering
The new KLAS Web Ordering system promises to be more intuitive for our customers. They will experience better searching and access to inventory on hand. Is your library or IRC ready to come on board? Join this session to find out.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 3 months ago #95 by Brannons
This Birds of a Feather discusses: Talking Books and Instructional Resource Centers collaborating to provide books, audiobooks, magazines and equipment to qualified patrons.
Practical tips and favorite tools for managing and coordinating your collection with an opportunity to meet with your colleagues and discuss changes and practices in the TLB system.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 3 months ago #96 by sruss63
Replied by sruss63 on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
KLAS 102
Go where no KLAS user has gone before. What is beyond the KLAS101 basics? Explore the fringes of the KAS universe.
(whoever is actually doing this class may want to add specifics)

Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more! How do you handle the end of the RC's? KLAS staff will teach you the best ways to clean up your database.

Dataentriologists unite! Helpful pointers for entering new patrons in KLAS. Suggestions for the best/most productive ways to serve walk in patrons.

READER ADVISOR (took from last years conference)
This session is an opportunity to interact with other staff that provides readers' advisory service. Participants qare invited to share practical tips as well as learn from others' experiences and insights. From providing BARD app assistance, to navigating new genres and managing digital magazine services.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #97 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Reader's Advisory Scavenger Hunt

What's that book with 'Prey' in the title? Are J.D. Robb and J.K. Rowling the same person? Do you have any more of those Amish books? Put your RA search skills to the test in this crafty catalog caper.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #98 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
"Accessible Instructions to (for?) the AIM Center"

Staffers from the Accessible Instructional Materials Center at the Oklahoma library talk about how they use KLAS to get books and equipment to the visually impaired school children who need them.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 1 month ago #99 by Andrea
Replied by Andrea on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Here are my first drafts of session titles and descriptions:

Title: "What can klasusers.com do for me?"
Description: Did you know that recorded tutorials, discussion forums, training opportunities, and more are available on klasusers.com! This session will highlight and demonstrate how to use the resources available on the website dedicated to you, the users of KLAS! Also, this will be your opportunity to make suggestions about what you want to see here!

Title: "Sidings: KLAS Unconference"
Description: The rules are that there are no rules or slides or handouts or pre-planned agendas! Rather, we invite you to join a table dedicated to a topic of your interest where you will find some index cards, pens, colleagues, and possibly a Keystone staff member or two. Wander from table to table to discuss different topics or stay put and go in-depth with one in particular. It's your choice! Planned table topics include:
  • What Not to Do (KLAS Derailed)
  • Shelving
  • In-house vs Keystone Hosted Servers
  • KLAS Conference Planning
  • Book Clubs
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by Andrea.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #102 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Web OPAC Customization

Help your patrons by personalizing your OPAC. In this session learn how to customize your catalog and make searching a breeze.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #103 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
"Readers Advisory Challenge"

Are you ready to test your mettle against the quickest, sharpest readers advisors in the land? You bet you are! Throw your hat into the ring for this search skills showdown.

Let me know if this description or the Web OPAC description are totally weak.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #104 by kmae98
Replied by kmae98 on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Equipment - Moderator Kate Stiles
How do you track your machines in KLAS? Don't have tunnel vision when it comes to using KLAS to manage your machines. Let's discuss all of the bells and whistles that KLAS offers us and learn from each other!

Staff Training and Motivation
Getting your staff All Aboard! and Ready to Roll!
What resources and programs are there to train and motivate your staff? We will explore opportunities offered by Keystone, NLS, ALA, and other sources. Be prepared to share your successes as well as times when your efforts might have been derailed. This seminar provides an opportunity to learn from others and take the fast-track to success in training and motivating staff.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #106 by aravenholt
Title: Autopilot: Using Batch Manager Run Your Reports
Have you ever slowed KLAS to a crawl by running a big report? Or forgot to run your NLS stats or your Holding Summary at the end of the year? When you use Batch Manager to schedule reports ahead of time, or to run them in the background, you can keep your RAs AND administrators happy. Come find out how.

Title: Getting back on track: Processing Overdue & Mismatched Books
When book cartridges come back in the wrong box, learn how you can use KLAS to catch the missing parts, and get complete books out in circulation again. Plus, discuss options for overdue notices to retrieve sidetracked books.

BoaF: Circulation
If you use the Circulation module, this session is for you! Come with your questions and your best practices for everything from turnaround to mailing cards to DB recall.

KLAS Mobile -- no progress yet :(
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago - 10 years 2 months ago #107 by Andrea
Replied by Andrea on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
From Mitake:

Title: Tell me something I don't know (about KLAS)

Description: Keystone staff will present information about lesser used features of KLAS. Class participants will be asked to rate the presentations based on Utility, Novelty, and Fun.
Last edit: 10 years 2 months ago by Andrea.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #108 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Accessible instructions for the AIM Center

Have you ever wondered how instructional resource centers use KLAS to get books and equipment to the visually impaired children who need them? In this program staffers from the Accessible Instructional Materials Center at the Oklahoma library will introduce you to the materials and services they provide.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 2 months ago #109 by ebyrne
Replied by ebyrne on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Readers Advisor Challenges

Every patron has different needs; some are easily addressed, others seem impossible. In this workshop we will tackle some difficult situations and show you how KLAS can vanquish (most of) your problems.

Web OPAC Customization

Have you set up your new Web OPAC yet? Well, it's time to get on that. Come with us as we walk you through the OPAC questionnaire, answering your questions and helping you to get the perfect catalog for your library.
The following user(s) said Thank You: tkalber

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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #115 by Andrea
Replied by Andrea on topic 2015 Session Descriptions
Title: IRC Ask the Experts

Description: A chance to meet Keystone staff and ask questions about services and KLAS features developed to support IRCs & IMCs.
Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by Andrea.

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