
Query for comments added to patron accounts

1 year 5 months ago #1597 by maureen
Hi, I was wondering if there was a query we could run, or, if something could be created, for subregional libraries to run to find patrons who have a comment added by the regional?

We often get questions and calls here for the subreigonals, and while we always make detailed notes in the patron accounts, we don't always send the library an email when we do.

If the libraries could run a query every week or so, to see what accounts we have added a comment to, that would be helpful.

Thanks, please let me know if that made sense!

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1 year 5 months ago #1598 by patrick20k
You would need to use either a standard Subject Line (ex: "Regional Comments") or a Note Type (Ex: "FL1A"). The benefit of setting up a Note Type is that it's typo-proof, since you select it from a list.

To query against it, the Subregional would set:
Library = (their branch, ex FL1C)
Comments | Note Type or Subject | Equals | (the determined value)
Comments | Modified Date | Is Between | (date range for the past week, or however long it's been since they last checked)

I hope this helps! Let us know if there are any Note Types you want set up for querying.

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1 year 5 months ago #1601 by maureen
Thank you! The benefit here is that we would be able to use it to count the total number of comments for all of them if we put all of the SRL IDs' in the library line separated by commas, correct?

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1 year 5 months ago #1602 by patrick20k
Absolutely! You wouldn't even need to list the SRL IDs--you could leave the Library criteria blank, or if you want to be sure only subregional patrons' comments are counted, put in Does Not Equal | FL1A

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