
Querying for Juvenile Patrons without a Parental Acknowledgement

2 months 3 weeks ago - 2 months 3 weeks ago #1808 by patrick20k
Do you need a list of the juvenile patrons in your system that do not yet have the NLS Parental Acknowledgement?
The instructions are now available for download: Still have Parental Acknowledgement questions? See the  NLS Parental Acknowledgement FAQ  or let us know!
Last edit: 2 months 3 weeks ago by patrick20k.

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2 months 3 weeks ago #1810 by maureen
Thank you for this! I noticed the query is for active patrons, and it reminded me I wanted to share that NLS is sending the email to both active and suspended patrons, and we are getting suspended patron's parents who are acknowledging the forms.

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2 months 3 weeks ago #1812 by patrick20k
Excellent point, thank you! Accounts that are suspended in KLAS are still active in PIMMS, so NLS doesn't know the difference.

For notices sent out locally, I personally would be inclined to skip Suspended patrons and let the block go into affect (since they are blocked/Inactive anyways), and just get the Acknowledgement if they resume service. However, you could also run a separate list for Suspended patrons (status equals S instead of A in both queries) and tailor the mailing or email's wording to reference that they are not an active patron. Running a separate list for Suspended will also give you an idea of how many Suspended juvenile patrons you have who NLS may be emailing.

And for another perspective, Nancy's read on data coming back from those NLS notifications was that these people didn't know they were suspended, and were acting like they still wanted service. So maybe this is a good reason to go ahead and contact them and get some of those accounts re-activated!

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1 month 4 weeks ago #1827 by maureen
I talked with Katharina, and she helped me to adjust the query for Institutions, and to substitute:
  • patron type - in - IS,IP since those are schools.
  • IL is for libraries and I would assume they serve minors too so you could mix that in too.
  • I'd also limit it by Main status - begins - A.

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1 month 4 weeks ago - 1 month 4 weeks ago #1828 by maureen
Delete that entry! It doesn't work as expected, this answer was to help me find the institutions themselves, not the ones without the acknowledgment in place if needed. I think it will work if the first query does not have the birthdate field.
Last edit: 1 month 4 weeks ago by maureen. Reason: replace text

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1 month 4 weeks ago - 1 month 4 weeks ago #1829 by patrick20k
I agree that the birthdate is the issue here--you'll need to leave that out for institutions.
Query A would be all Active institutions with Patron Type | In | IS,IP (or whatever list of codes applies to your database), no birthdate.
Query B would take the same criteria from A, and add the Preference criteria on the Advanced Search tab. 

Note: of course, the second part will only work once the Preferences can actually be added to the Institutional records (which is coming, pending the work to be able to sync that info with PIMMS). For now, if you're tracking pre-authorizations with a note type, you can use that in Query B, or you can use just Query A without any merges for your list of who to contact.
Last edit: 1 month 4 weeks ago by patrick20k.

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1 month 4 weeks ago #1830 by maureen
Thanks for the continued support on this-and I got more help reminding me we are waiting on the ability to store the acknowledgements for the institutions.

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