
What is an LBPD?

3 years 4 months ago - 3 years 4 months ago #1152 by Andrea
What is an LBPD? was created by Andrea
During general webinars, IRC-focused training, or in other communications, you may have heard myself or others refer to our LBPD customers. Recently, I had one of our IRC users ask who they were and if they were different from our BTBLs. The short answer is NLS Libraries are LBPDs which are the same as BTBLs who were LBPHs. There's also a longer explanation.

The National Library Service for Blind and Physically Handicapped is a part of the Library of Congress and was known as such until it recently announced a name change to the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled to better reflect the newly expanded patron based the network libraries now serve. 

Any regional or subregional library that is part of the NLS network of state libraries for the blind and physically handicapped were known as an LBPHs. Though, when the term "physically handicapped" became less accepted terminology, many of these libraries adopted a name to reflect the resources they provided to shift away from that phrase. So, many became known as a Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL) or Talking Book Libraries (TBLs).

Since NLS expanded the definition of service to include anyone with a print disability (blind, low vision, or one of the new qualifying conditions such as dyslexia), and a recent cultural shift in libraries to focusing on patrons rather than resources, many are now embracing the Library for the Blind and Print Disabled (LBPD) description.

I hope this helps explain my and others shift to the use of "LBPD" in  conversations.
Last edit: 3 years 4 months ago by Andrea.

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