Thank you to IL1A for finding this book that also ended up as a duplicate and then withdrawn by NLS. Use the handy "Reissue" function to move the HasHads and the reserves to the working copy.
Go to DB107347, then Functions > Reissue. Choose the Title Link Type "ReissueOf" and the New Klas ID of DB106553. Hit the Tab key and then the title will show up on the side.
Leave the first three checkboxes checked and leave the last one (delete old copy) unchecked.
Update the old record to make the Title Status Withdrawn and delete the subjects and series. This status will prevent it from being added to any Service Queues or new Dup Orders.
In the Patron module, run the Reports - Items and Titles - Patrons with Queued title report.
Enter the KLAS ID to check
Set the Duplication Stage to Both Queues & Orders
If any are found, replace the title with the new version or simply delete it as appropriate
If any are already in a Duplication Order, you will need to Cancel the order from the Functions menu