
Walter Mosely - Easy Rawlins series

1 day 23 hours ago - 1 day 22 hours ago #1886 by patrick20k
Hey folks,

We're getting lots of error reports regarding the Easy Rawlins series, as the older files have been pulled by NLS. We're working on updates that will keep withdrawn files from causing errors at duplication, but until then, please make sure that this series (and the other titles reported as Withdrawn here on the forums) have a Reissued link to the new version where available, and that the old version has a Title Status of Withdrawn

You may also want to run the Patrons with Queued Title report to find patrons with any of these titles in their Service Queue or a pending Dup Order, so you can pull it before it causes problems for your duplication staff.

(Find the original report of the reissued titles here.)

How to link the reissued titles: 
  1. Start with the older Title record open in the Catalog module
  2. Use the Functions Menu and select "Reissue"
  3. Set the link type to "Reissued as" and enter the KLAS ID of the new version
    • Leave the first three checkmarks (add "See" to old title, suppress WebOPAC listing, and copy Subject Headings) marked
    • Leave the Delete Old Title checkbox blank
  4. Select OK to save the link
  5. Update the old Title record to make the Status Withdrawn. This status will prevent it from being added to any Service Queues or new Dup Orders.
  6. In the Patron module, run the Reports - Items and Titles - Patrons with Queued title report.
    • Enter the KLAS ID to check
    • Set the Duplication Stage to Both Queues & Orders
    • If any are found, replace the title with the new version or simply delete it as appropriate
    • If any are already in a Duplication Order, you will need to Cancel the order from the Functions menu
Easy Rawlins series: 
  1. DB032935 - DB100546
  2. DB034973 - DB100544
  3. DB036906 - DB100545
  4. DB038938 - DB100547
  5. DB043412 - DB104913
  6. DB040994 - DB105406
(Titles in bold were not included in the previous reissue notice. First number is the old title to Withdraw, second is the new title to keep.)
Last edit: 1 day 22 hours ago by patrick20k.
The following user(s) said Thank You: massbibliophile, hwilliams

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1 day 17 hours ago #1887 by massbibliophile
Do we need ot delete the headings; Series, Author, Suibject?

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